Beyond Scrum ...

We believe in modern, agile software development processes which are done with the famous SCRUM method.

And we enrich it. We work Beyond Scrum!

Beyond Scrum means:

A software product is more than its parts. Not only a collection of user stories and epics.

We believe in the creativity of our software architects to invent and sketch out straightforward, easy, and fuctional software architectures. To slice it down into user stories and work it out, is the aftermath work which follows the quality of well done creative work

We believe in the power of the new idea. The new, creative idea might make obsolete the plans for the next six months, and shrink the work load to six days, by bypassing the routine work of the former plan.

Hence, we support having ideas. An idea for a better and easier architecture. Every idea shall be announced, recognized and discussed with highest priority, before we go further with existing plan, or even a better plan.

So, we accept a process of steady replanning. User stories follow ideas. Ideas are in front.