IfT goes China
Since 2018, IfT has a dedicated strategy towards China. Staffing before the headquarter additionally with experts who stem from China, IfT was well prepared to enter the Chinese market on the occasion of the China High Tech Fair 2018 in Shenzhen.

In the following, IfT made certain moves and concluded several contracts with Chinese partners:
IfT Software department in Chonqing
In 2018 IfT founded a software department in Chongqing, starting with 5 employees. This team works out certain software products related to DataNinja, and is responsible for software maintenance of Chinese customers.
IfT Shenzhen office
Since 2020, Mr Li Xin from IfT runs the Shenzhen office of IfT.
Cooperation with Hangzhi Ltd, Shenzhen
Hangzhi Ltd. produces high quality current sensors and measuring boxes. Since 2019 IfT distributes these products in Germany.
Sino-German Smart Manufacturing Accelerator
Automation of industrial production goes on! The hottest spot of production in the world is the Pearl river delta, so it makes sense to invest just here in the field of automation of production.
In 2020, IfT became partner (for the German part) of the Sino-German Smart Manufacturing Accelerator in Guangzhou. The aim of this cooperation is to identify innovative companies in China and Germany, which can be supported in the Accelerator labs and get prepared for going public as an IPO in Hongkong or Shanghai. Investors are invited!
Cooperation with Chengdu Shenfeng Hechuang Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
In August 2020, IfT agreed a cooperation to brand the products of Shenfeng Hechuang, sell them out in China and Germany, with an annual share.